Saturday, January 26, 2013

Wicca 101: Imbolic

Here is my 2nd blog of the night.... so, here it goes.

Tonight, I also want to talk about Imbolic.  It is the 3rd Sabbat, or Pagan Holiday, in the Pagan calendar (First Samhain, then Yule).  Imbolic occurs around Groundhog's Day in the North America (February 1st-3rd). 

Imbolic is a time of warmth and love.  I guess you could say that Imbolic can be considered a "Wiccan Valentine's Day" due to what it is about.  It also is about passion, and anyone knows that anything that has passion has a fire to it.  That's exactly what it is: Worship of the fire deities.  The most popular one is Brigid, the Celtic Goddess of fire.  However, there are a lot more.  On Imbolic, I will be worshiping Hestia, the Greek Goddess of fire.  She is also the Goddess of one of my elements.  

I have also known Imbolic to help others with divination.  It is a good way to enhance your spiritual energies.  Because of this, I would say that tarot reading, any fortune-telling activities, meditating, and other things to that nature is beneficial.  

Some ways to celebrate this holiday is to either work with divination, bake and cook (seeing as though you bake and cook with a fire), or going to a bonfire.  

I rarely talk about stones and gems, but amythist can help with one's spiritual energies and divination.  Rose quartz also helps with being calm and attracting romance, and I would probably recommend it to you guys.  

This Imbolic is special to me.  Since I am not quite out of the broom closet, I am going to a Church event.  On the day of Imbolic, they decided to have a "fireside chat."  That means it will be more like a bonfire situation.  They have no idea that they are celebrating Imbolic, and it's phenomenal.  I can also practice with fire scrying.  It is one of my favorite types of divination, and my friends enjoy scrying with me, too.  I will also wear my gem bracelet.  It has amythist and rose quartz in the mix, and it'll help better my mood.

Wishing you all a blessed Imbolic,
Dawn )O(

Incorporating Spirituality Into Wicca

Hello, again! I feel like I haven't written a thing since I had a sinus infection.  I've also been having a tough time bouncing back emotional-wise, but I seem to be better now.

Today, I decided to talk to you guys about spirituality, and how some things I have experienced within it have been incorporated into my Path.  This is going to be interesting when I explain some of the beliefs I follow.  Some stem from other Pagan religions, such as Buddhism, some have been pulled from Wicca, of course.... And I even found that even a Wiccan can follow some teachings from the contradictory religion, Christianity and it's Holy Book, the Bible.  This is what I believe makes me eclectic: Taking bits and pieces from other religions and placing some of them into my life and Wicca.

I believe in karma, which is different from the Threefold Path.  Karma says that whatever you do will affect you for better or worse.  The Threefold Path states that the energy you give something (positive, negative, passionate, anger) will return to you in Threefold.  That is the difference, and it's a rookie mistake. Anyways, I absolutely believe in the law of Karma.  I also love to meditate, which is usually a part of Wicca anyways, but it is also Buddhist.  It really does calm me down, but I also am creative with these meditation sessions.  I have tried meditative painting before, or painting in general.  It helps me talk to the God and Goddess.  It also pleases Apollo because he is a God of the Arts.  I love doing yoga, but haven't done it in quite a while.  I like to believe that it is a physiological meditation.  I am attempting to work with chakras, but I have no idea where to start.  (I will research this later.)

I am Native American, therefore Paganism is in my blood.  My great-grandmother believed in nothing but herbal remedies and believed in having a totem animal.  I am not sure what our totem animal was, but I think it may have been a wolf.  Regardless, I believe in the same thing.  I feel more connected to felines, particularly black domestic cats.  I also am looking into certain herbs and what they may help with.  I have come across a video that has informed me on how to treat illnesses, which will come in handy.

Now, for the most controversial part that I have been DYING to get to: the Bible.  You're probably like, "Dawn, how do you live by the Bible when it speaks against Paganism?"  I follow certain verses that I would like to share with you. Let me type them.

John 15: 12-13
This is my command, that you love one another, so that I have loved you. Greater love has no man than the one that lays down his life for his friends.

Romans 12:15-21 (Modified for Wicca)
Rejoice with those who are rejoicing, and cry with those who cry.  Have the same concern for everyone.  Don't be full of pride, but accept humble duties.... If someone has done you wrong don't repay them with a wrong. Try to do what is considered to be good.  Do everything that is possible on your part to live at peace with everybody.  Never take revenge (for that is the God and Goddess's part).  If your enemies are hunger, let them eat.  If they are thirsty, give them something to drink.  This will make them filled with shame.  (Do not let negative energies take over you.  Instead, let positive energies flow from your heart.)

1 Corinthians 13:13
These 3 things remain: hope, faith, and love.  The greatest of these is love.

These are just a few of the verses that I apply to my faith.  Just read these and think... Most of these involve love, right? And I quote the Wiccan Rede:

Abide by the Wiccan Rede, ye must
In perfect love and perfect trust...

See the connection? That's something that Wicca and Christianity have in common.  There's a lot of common aspects between these 2, but in general, no one really knows it. (I'll save this for yet another post.)

This is why I'm Eclectic.  I believe in all of these things and apply them to Wicca.  

Many blessings and have a great esbat,
Dawn )O(

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Wicca 101: Appreciating Nature

Hello, again! I haven't blogged in forever, or at least, that's what it feels like.  Today, I want others to take a breather and think about what you've been doing with nature, and how exactly you treat it.  

Pause for a second.  When you are a Pagan, especially Wiccan, you notice that you don't go to a certain building for a worship session.  Nature is your temple.  You go out there and you admire its beauty. To be perfectly honest, that is why I go to camp, regardless of its religious teachings.  There are so many subtle ways to go into nature and bond with it.  I believe that's why I connect with the element earth a lot.

First of all, when you search for a wood to make a wand, don't you ever snatch a branch off on the tree.  Look and see if there is a detached branch. Trust me... I learned the hard way. Another thing you can do is that if the tree shades you from the sun, give it an offering, like water.  I remember doing it to this magnificent pine tree and I felt as though the tree actually said thanks. 

Meditation in the afternoon is calming, and you can focus on the beauty of nature.  You don't do it by using your vision, but by touch and listening. It is amazing.  I've done it for 5 days, 15 minutes each day.  You don't even have to close your eyes.  Just sit and write or draw.  It's amazing.  

You don't have to be in the sunshine in order to appreciate nature.  Sometimes, I like to sit out in the rain, or just watch it.

Either way, these things and more can be taken into consideration. 

Just a little thought and lesson for you. 

Dawn )O(

Friday, January 11, 2013

I Seriously Had To...

Hello, it's me again. Today, I'd like to talk about what happened today, and how I felt afterward.

A friend of mine (let's call her Staci) had talked to me in depth about what she believes in.  She says that she has had some paranormal experiences and obsessed with spirits and psychic powers and such.  She unknowingly brought up divination, specifically tarot.  I was so happy, and asked if she wanted to see them.  We could also do a reading in the library, seeing as though there is a book about that in detail. She was pleased with that.

Something clicked inside of me, and I literally began shaking.  It was uncontrollable, and it felt like I wasn't really the one in charge.  I think the Goddess took hold of me and was trying to say that Staci is going to be important in my life and to stick with her.  The last time my right hand began shaking, it was when I picked out Apollo, and the God I've worshiped for about a year.  So, in a nutshell, my deities are telling me something about Staci and her beliefs.  

Just wanted to share that with you guys. I may come at you with another Wicca 101 blog today, so you guys get a treat, hopefully.

Many Blessings, 
Dawn )O(

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Huge Steps

Hello, again, guys! I'm Dawn, and today, I'd like to share with you what actually happened yesterday.  I talked about it briefly on Twitter, and seeing as there's only about 140 characters, I couldn't explain on what I was saying and what had fully happened, so I'd thought I blog about it.

Yesterday, I had met not only another Pagan, but I had met a Wiccan.  It started when we were talking about religion, and he claimed he was a witch.  He prefers the title to be called "Mage," so I asked him if he meant real life or Skyrim (because that was quite a bizzare statement).  He said both.  

At this point, I was really interested in the conversation.  He told me about a couple of spells that he had cast...  He had cast a couple for revenge, which I'm mostly against.  I wouldn't cast one in order to put a family member in the hospital, which is what he did to his sister, but if it was to teach another person humility, then MAYBE.  (Let's just say the other involved extensions falling out. Yes, I laughed my butt off.)  So, he's more into... a darker side of Wicca, you could say.  

He explained to a friend that was sitting with us that Wicca is all about manipulating energies and that is how spells work.  He actually volunteered to help her learn more about Wicca and its beliefs.  He also stated he works with candle magick, and I was happy that I wasn't the only one.  After he said this, I stated that I knew a lot about Wicca and asked him how long he's been a Wiccan.  He is on his 7th month, 5 months after I became a Pagan.

The conversation had died out, and he left to check out a devotional book from the library.  I then took a deep breath and said I researched Wicca for a year, and that I am Wiccan.  She is quite accepting, and now she has 2 friends that are Wiccan.  She has yet to get used to the fact that I don't believe in the Christian God and that I believe in Apollo and Hecate and other deities of this nature.  As a matter of fact, she loves religion and is kind of wondering if she wants to minor in Theology like I might do.

So, that's yesterday in a nutshell. I am so glad I was able to find another Wiccan, and I am starting to get out of the broom closet. 

To all of you who are still in the broom closet, I suggest that you tell your best friend about being a Pagan first. They are usually the ones to understand you a lot more.

Much love and blessings,
Dawn )O(

Sunday, January 6, 2013

I Am Offended...!

Hello again, guys! It's me, Dawn, and I want to tell you guys about something that is making me angry at church. (Yes, in case you didn't notice, I am still in the broom closet, but I'm becoming more bold and may tell others about my actual religion.)

So, the minister is doing a series about the main questions people don't have answered, and that is why they aren't Christians (to his logic, that is).  I thought it was a brilliant idea at first, but he is doing things that are very controversial to not only the church, but Pagans as well.  

I have never heard the word "Pagan" so much when a minister is preaching.  It seems as though he brings it up every single Sunday, and so many people are confused as to why.  Are you trying to tell the church that Pagans are bad, or are you trying to drive them away from the Christian God to...  I don't know, Gaia and Zeus?  If you drill the word in their head, they're going to get a little curious.  After all, that's what happened to me. Oh, and here's the best part.

 According to him, there are Roman Pagan documents that state that Jesus was alive. Does it, like, matter where the documents are from?  I mean, they're from Rome, alright.  But did you have to include the word Pagan? 

This minister also downsized the Pantheon that I associate with, the Greek Pantheon.  It stung when he looked at me when he said the insult, about how it is "mythology" and "false deities."  Let me put it this way: I am a Wiccan and a Pagan inside of a church.  I respect the Bible.  As a matter of fact, I'm going to highlight some teachings that I can apply to my Pagan life from there.  I don't downsize the Christian God.  To be perfectly honest, church saved my life.  In order to preach your opinion to a bunch of people that aren't a Christian and not knowing what background they're from, you must have a certain compassion.  You can't just talk lowly of the Greek Pantheon.  What if there was a Pagan wanting to convert to Christianity and you offended them because they used to work with the Greek Pantheon?

He also insulted some of my views on Jesus.  I know that he was a Rabbi (for those that don't know what a Rabbi is, it is a religious leader for Judaism) and spoke wise things, and I like his teachings, but I am a Wiccan.  I'm not denying that he isn't the son of the Christian God, but... I'm not worshiping him, at least for this moment in time. But the minister says that if I believe that, I'm denying him and his existence. 

Let me just throw a little something out there... If you worship a person, that can be considered Paganism, correct?  So why does the minister focus more on Jesus?  If he says that Jesus is God, he's denying Paganism in a way. It's the exact same thing that's frustrating me.

I have respect for the Christian religion because it is where I stemmed from regarding my spirituality, but this minister is getting on my nerves. Here's some points that a Pagan can pick out and argue on.  Excuse me if I was venting way too much, but I can't tell the minister about how offended I am.  Otherwise, everyone will start talking and... I get shunned from all of my friends and family. Hopefully you guys understand that.

Thanks for dealing with this.

May positive energies flow your way,
Dawn )O(

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Christian Friends With Wiccan Aspects!

Hey, guys! It's me, Dawn, coming at you with another entry. First off, I wish you guys a prosperous New Year and I send you all positive energies~!

I was just thinking (yes, I know that this is how I start out every other blog, but I do think a lot) about all of my friends.  I was wondering why I got along with them so well, and a new friend had brought it to my attention when she said something about aromatherapy. 

I realized that most of my friends, whom ARE Christians, have some sort of Pagan beliefs. They don't designate that they are Pagan, but they do share some belief in some Wiccan ways. This shocked me a little, but it makes sense that I believe a little in what they believe in, and they believe a little in what I believe in. So, there are about 4 friends that I'll describe, and you'll see what I mean. Of course, aliases are in order, so, I'll make them up as I go along.

I'll start with the newest friend I made. I'm going to call her Cynthia. I've hung out with her as we rang in the new year together. Cynthia has had such a troubled past, but she's overcoming it as we speak. She's so strong-willed and loves to have many adventures. As stated, she believes in aromatherapy, as do I.  One odd thing I've noticed about her is she believes that everyone has a Lilith side to them. At first, I thought about that name. I had thought I heard it from the Greek Pantheon, and I was right. Overall, I haven't really sat down to talk to her about any spiritual things, but she absolutely loves it when I do some divination.

The second friend will be called Willow. She expresses herself a lot. She's a talented actress and singer, but also acts as one of the guys.  She has read the House of Night series, so, she's pretty much familiar with Nyx, the Goddess of Night, casting a circle, and other things deemed Pagan in the book. She's pretty satisfied that there's a Goddess in the story and that the elements are active in them. What she doesn't know is that she loves elemental magic. Willow has also believed in some paranormal things.

So, I am going to talk about my 2 best friends right now. Excuse me if I get way off topic because one of them is like my sister, and the other...

Let's call that friend Aiden. I will not lie, he is the complete and utter love of my life best guy friend any girl can ask for. He's beyond nerdy and is more into Medieval fantasy. That means, he believes in elven races, faeries, magick, and what have you. He is quite the religious person. If he was Pagan, we would probably form a coven together with him as High Priest and myself as the High Priestess. ANYWAYS, since he believes in magick, he can write his own spells. It's more-so for our LARP (Live Action Role Play) sessions, but nevertheless, he does write them.  AIden's also the one who got me into doodling elves and believing in Celtic aspects such as different types of faeries (again). 

And the last friend. The one that is most controversial.

Let me call her Raven. She actually helped me come up with part of my magickal name, and that's why Raven is in it. I talked about her numerous times...

Anyways, Raven is a huge believer in divination. She introduced me to a type of it, and sometimes I use it to locate a lost/misplaced item. She also has influenced me to attempt to make a wand, as she has one herself. Raven also ended up having paranormal things going on around her house. She has to leave a window open so that the spirit won't bother her. Raven's also had tried Lucid Dreaming... On top of this, she wants her tarot read. She shows a lot of potential for a Wiccan one day. The only thing that is holding her back is the fact that her father and grandfather are leaders of the church.  They wouldn't approve of a Christo-Witch/Wiccan in the family, or even in the church. The last Christo-Witch that was in the church had been forced to leave, and that is why I can't talk about my actual religion. I wonder if I should secretly teach her about Wicca, read her tarot in her own house with a Youth minister involved, etc. Either way, I'm walking on a very fine line here (these people consider me to be one of the "most Christian-like" in the church when I absolutely am not).

I mean, all of these don't define a friend, but these are kind of interesting friends I have here. It's funny how some morals we believe in can belong to another religion. Just thought that I'd share. 

Many blessings,
Dawn )O(