Monday, November 19, 2012

Wicca 101: Magickal Names

Hi, guys! The first thing I want to establish is that my Magickal Name has switched from Echo to Dawn. I feel as though that I have been more attached to Dawn than Echo...

So, what is actually your Magickal name? It's a name that provides privacy to those who practice Wiccan/The Craft. Of course, my real name isn't Dawn. It's something else.

Usually, Magickal Names are inspired by nature. They can consist of a first and last name. For example, my first name would be Dawn because I am a morning person. I love sunlight and watching the sunrise. I won't tell you guys my new last name to keep a little more privacy, but I admit, it does sound a little Harry Potter-ish. That means like "Lovegood," "Ravenclaw..." That sort of thing.

Finding it is an interesting process. Sometimes you can get them through dreams, through meditation... I actually got mine from a television show. Actually, that character inspired me to try Wicca and its ways. Here I am now. You could even make up one. Like myself, some change theirs because it doesn't suit them or they feel like they need to devote themselves to another aspect of nature.

Your name has energies that come along with your name. So if you name yourself "Skullcrusher Nightmare," you just might get some bad vibes. And, if you name yourself after a God or Goddess, you will take the characteristics of that deity. If you act in malevolent ways while being named after a God/Goddess, the results ARE NOT GOING TO BE PRETTY.

I hope you'll find a Magickal Name that is close to you!

Blessed Be! )O(


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