Sunday, November 18, 2012

Wicca 101: The Book of Shadows

Alright, so what is a Book of Shadows?

A Book of Shadows is a record of information that one acquires over time. They are used for correspondences such as days, spells, prayers, chants, and other religious things. Some have a Book of Mirrors, which is more like a spiritual diary. Sometimes, they are combined with a BoS. Personally, I like keeping them separate.

The beauty about a Book of Shadows is that it can be kept in anything, from a fancy journal to a notebook or a 3" binder. Some even have them on their computers! I have found binders to be more practical; you can organize it a lot. So, a BoS is pretty affordable.

As for what to actually put in your BoS, it is entirely up to you. I put CERTAIN correspondences in there, spells, chants, poetry, and other religious texts in there. Again, do what feels right to you. Remember, witches and Wiccans alike find this more of an intuitive, personal book.

I heard a couple of Wiccans say that they had poured their hearts out in a notebook one day and that had become a Book for them. That's one thing you can do. PERSONALIZE IT. Doodle in it. Design pages. Use fancy writing if you want. Your Book of Shadows is YOURS.

Most importantly, it is your spiritual journey. Most people say that they aren't fond of others reading it. That's acceptable. Books are passed down in family generations too. That's ok.

Overall, the Book of Shadows is your "Personalized Scripture" to the Wiccan faith. No 2 Books are the same, and they do not have to be all fancy-schmancy. I hope that you will find something that speaks to you and you are attached to.


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