Hey, guys! It's me, Dawn, and today, I wanted to talk about a way to introduce your friends to your religion. I don't mean to convert them and show them that "Wicca is the right path," kind of introducing. I mean, get them somewhat comfortable with Wicca.
I know this is cliché, but a lot of media is depicted with Wicca. The fictional Harry Potter series has some Wiccan ideas in it. For example, Harry had trouble controlling his magickal powers until he got a wand. It's portrayed that this directs the energy better, which is true. Then there are cloaks and that sort of thing. The Houses are like their covens, if you think about it...
The point is, this sounds weird, but do some fun crafts that everyone would never think about. In the near future, I will make Harry Potter scarves and my friends love the idea. It shows that I care to put time and effort in them, and they might get their interest in Wicca sparked.
Also, a book series that I've checked out that accurately demonstrates concepts of Wicca would be the House of Night series. They cast circles, they have professors, a Priestess, worshipping the Goddess Nyx... They go as far as connecting with elements. It's amazing. So, if your friend (it may be more effective on the female friends because it's girlier) can't figure out what you do in Wicca, suggest this series. I think it's awesome because the authors are Wiccan, too!
You could also explain to them in symbols and what they mean. I don't have a pentacle/pentagram/Wiccan necklace, but if I did, I would explain the cycle of things and how they intertwine. I'd explain the Witches' Knot and what have you to them, and they would understand. A couple friends would most likely get one too.
Most of my friends are Christian, and they don't know I'm a Wiccan... But, one is more accepting and HAS read the House of Night series. One of my friends have discovered divination, and one loves faery folklore. Another actually has a Wiccan name for her middle name (Ravensong). So, in a way, they are familiar with Wicca... They just don't know what to call it yet.
I hope that these suggestions would help you. They're helping me.
Blessings and much love,
Dawn )O(
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