Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Wicca 101: Basics to Elements

Merry meet, guys! I haven't been writing about my Wiccan journey because I have no idea what to write about. As if the deities have heard about my writing block, a follower on the social networking site, Twitter, had noticed a recent post about me finding my element. They had a lot of questions, which is quite normal to ask, and I'm here to break it down not only for them, but for you.

I thought my zodiac sign determined my element.
Actually, it can, but it doesn't. Here's what I mean by that: there are 2 different aspects to elements. The zodiac element doesn't refer to your physical capabilities with element, but they determine your personality. A water sign would be completely in touch with their emotions and more empathic, more-so the emotions behind an idea. One who is in touch with earth would be grounded in what they do and think more in depth. They are the one that holds everything together. Air, my element belongs to me because I analyze everything. I am a natural-born leader, and I'm usually the brains behind the idea. I'm also very creative. Fire is the passion behind the idea. I'm not saying this to embarrass anyone, but they can be pretty sexual.

What is my element?
Your element is one of the easiest things to figure out in Wicca. I promise you, all you have to do is pay attention. I didn't do this until I began researching elements. When the wind blows, I can feel my heart flutter, and I just want to scream and throw my hands in the air. I feel so liberated and loved. It feels like I'm one with the wind. That's why my physical element is air.

But Astrology....
Yes, I get it. Astrological elements may be a guideline for you. I'm a Virgo, but notice how I connect with air on both tiers of elements. You don't have to be what your astrological sign is. Everyone is different. Just pay attention. You'll know.

I hope this helps everyone. There is only so much that I can do. If you want to follow me on Twitter I am @Faerie_of_Dawn. I also am giving you a heads-up. I may be changing my name because I found out my element is air, and my spirit animal is a wolf. I have my first name narrowed down to Camdyn or Aura. As usual, this is considered normal in Wicca.

Much love and positive energies,
Dawn )O(

1 comment:

  1. Hello. How are you? I hope all is Ok? I have not seen you on Twitter in a long time. I am Sacred Swords Egypt on Twitter. Happy New Year.
