Today, I decided to talk to you guys about spirituality, and how some things I have experienced within it have been incorporated into my Path. This is going to be interesting when I explain some of the beliefs I follow. Some stem from other Pagan religions, such as Buddhism, some have been pulled from Wicca, of course.... And I even found that even a Wiccan can follow some teachings from the contradictory religion, Christianity and it's Holy Book, the Bible. This is what I believe makes me eclectic: Taking bits and pieces from other religions and placing some of them into my life and Wicca.
I believe in karma, which is different from the Threefold Path. Karma says that whatever you do will affect you for better or worse. The Threefold Path states that the energy you give something (positive, negative, passionate, anger) will return to you in Threefold. That is the difference, and it's a rookie mistake. Anyways, I absolutely believe in the law of Karma. I also love to meditate, which is usually a part of Wicca anyways, but it is also Buddhist. It really does calm me down, but I also am creative with these meditation sessions. I have tried meditative painting before, or painting in general. It helps me talk to the God and Goddess. It also pleases Apollo because he is a God of the Arts. I love doing yoga, but haven't done it in quite a while. I like to believe that it is a physiological meditation. I am attempting to work with chakras, but I have no idea where to start. (I will research this later.)
I am Native American, therefore Paganism is in my blood. My great-grandmother believed in nothing but herbal remedies and believed in having a totem animal. I am not sure what our totem animal was, but I think it may have been a wolf. Regardless, I believe in the same thing. I feel more connected to felines, particularly black domestic cats. I also am looking into certain herbs and what they may help with. I have come across a video that has informed me on how to treat illnesses, which will come in handy.
Now, for the most controversial part that I have been DYING to get to: the Bible. You're probably like, "Dawn, how do you live by the Bible when it speaks against Paganism?" I follow certain verses that I would like to share with you. Let me type them.
John 15: 12-13
This is my command, that you love one another, so that I have loved you. Greater love has no man than the one that lays down his life for his friends.
Romans 12:15-21 (Modified for Wicca)
Rejoice with those who are rejoicing, and cry with those who cry. Have the same concern for everyone. Don't be full of pride, but accept humble duties.... If someone has done you wrong don't repay them with a wrong. Try to do what is considered to be good. Do everything that is possible on your part to live at peace with everybody. Never take revenge (for that is the God and Goddess's part). If your enemies are hunger, let them eat. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink. This will make them filled with shame. (Do not let negative energies take over you. Instead, let positive energies flow from your heart.)
1 Corinthians 13:13
These 3 things remain: hope, faith, and love. The greatest of these is love.
These are just a few of the verses that I apply to my faith. Just read these and think... Most of these involve love, right? And I quote the Wiccan Rede:
Abide by the Wiccan Rede, ye must
In perfect love and perfect trust...
See the connection? That's something that Wicca and Christianity have in common. There's a lot of common aspects between these 2, but in general, no one really knows it. (I'll save this for yet another post.)
This is why I'm Eclectic. I believe in all of these things and apply them to Wicca.
Many blessings and have a great esbat,
Dawn )O(
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