Hello, again! It's me, Dawn, and I'd thought that since tonight is an esbat (more commonly known as a full or new moon) that I would talk to you about the subject most people would love to know most about: Magick. Many people know this as spellcasting.
To tell you the truth, most don't need the physical casting of a spell, but most consider this common. What I just found out moments ago is that prayer can be considered a spell. Depending on who your mentor is, this can vary, so you don't really take what I'm saying at face value. Once again, what you think matters when being Wiccan.
There are different methods in casting spells. I usually cast a circle to keep positive energies in and negative energies out. (I will explain this in a post following this, so do not worry!) If you do not want to cast a circle, then it is fine. Some decide to get their spells online, while others write theirs. Once again, it is up to you. However, it is more powerful if you write your own. There are many kinds of spells that you could conduct, and that depends on what you want to achieve.
When conducting a spell for love (as an example), you can use correspondences to strengthen this spell. The color red is for passionate love, and you would most likely cast it on Friday. As a note for any love spells, you must be careful. If you follow the Wiccan's Rede, you do not want to tamper with one's free will. If it is more of a general spell to find love, and it is not aimed towards anyone, I would say that that is better. Still, you would want to be very careful.
There are so many things that I could tell you guys about spells, but this will have to do, seeing as though Wicca 101 is covering certain topics briefly. In the future, I may post about different spells I have used and how they work.
Wishing you many blessings,
Dawn )O(
Thank you for a great post! I've always thought of spells as prayers... of course, this may be because I'm more of an eclectic spirit :)